parallelism between Isa and Yahya

Started by HOPE, December 24, 2014, 03:58:48 AM

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Salaam Joseph and all,

"Peace was on me the day I was born, and will be on me the day I die and the day I am raised to life again" says Isa 19:33.  Similar wording in 19:15 for  Yahya.  What about the other prophets and messengers?  I can rationalize it for Isa for his 'virgin peaceful "conception and peaceful death without the crucifixion.  What is Isa's connection to Yahya  in terms of birth and death?

"Hope is like a bird that senses the dawn and carefully starts to sing while it is still dark"

good logic

Greetings HOPE.

Yes indeed what an example of devotion to GOD Alone!!!

,Both Prophets were born miraculously! Jesus born of a Virgin-Lam yamsassha Bachar- , Yahia born of a woman past child bearing age- Imraatan AAkira-.

Both given the book and wisdom at a young age.

Both given up their lives for devotion to GOD Alone.

Peace be upon them the day they were born, the day they died and the day they will be resurrected at GOD.

GOD bless you and all His devotees.
Peace sister.
Total loyalty to GOD


As-salaamu 'alaikum!

The lifecycle of Jesus is portrayed as no different from other Prophets as can be seen when compared to that of Prophet Yahya. [IS THE SECOND COMING OF PROPHET JESUS (pbuh) SUPPORTED BY THE QURAN?]

Ijaz. A