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Messages - Truth Seeker

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Women / Re: Women
« on: May 29, 2012, 09:56:03 AM »

Regarding testimony, please see:

The inheritance sums are apportioned differently depending on the situation. In some cases the female receives more than the male.
However, when she does receive less than her male counterpart, this will be due to the fact that the Quran maintains that men are to support women in general, so she should be looked after financially. By giving the male a greater portion in some cases, this would mean that he has to spend it on his female dependants.

Women / Re: Khimar
« on: May 29, 2012, 09:43:24 AM »

Joseph has written a very informative article on khimar:

I hope it helps.

General Discussions / Re: masjid =act of worship?
« on: May 29, 2012, 09:39:12 AM »

That makes sense because as you say, not all people pray in the mosques, but the requirement of dressing appropriately "for prayer" applies even if you are praying elsewhere.

General Discussions / Re: Opinion on Migration
« on: May 29, 2012, 09:24:20 AM »

I agree with Chadiga regarding Hijra. In terms of moving to another country for a better life, then that would be more for expanding your opportunities etc.

If the country in which you reside allows you to fulfil your Islamic duties and develop spiritually then you would not need to do Hijra for the purpose of religion.

General Discussions / Re: Divorce laws
« on: May 29, 2012, 09:13:35 AM »

In Islam, regarding marriage, you have two chances to remarry your spouse after a divorce is initiated. If a divorce is initiated for a third time, then this is irrevocable.

I think the reasons behind this is to highlight that the institution of marriage is sacred and should not be taken lightly, therefore the matter of divorce should not be taken lightly either.

A couple should seek arbitration with a view to resolve any disputes before the matter goes to divorce.


I am glad that you are finding the translations link helpful.

With regards to the 2 translations you mention as having a different approach, this is because the original translation by G.A Parvez is based on personal opinions of the author as is the QXP translation.

They may not have influence by secondary sources but what they have is a translation that is not true to the original Arabic and this is dangerous for readers who cannot read arabic.

However, by reading a wide variety of translations including the 2 mentioned above,you will be in a better situation in terms of your knowledge of the Quran and the status quo InshAllah.

General Discussions / Re: Aya 17:71
« on: May 25, 2012, 07:49:22 AM »

Do you have the link for that reply by Joseph as I am interested in reading about his view on this verse.


Discussions / Re: Salaam from England
« on: May 18, 2012, 10:41:02 PM »
Salaam and Welcome

Thanks for the feedback regarding this site. We have a strict policy whereby we ask all the users of this forum to converse with each other in a dignified manner at all times.

It is a shame that people who are 'brothers in faith' can be so vile to each other whilst at the same time promoting the glorious Quran. There is no excuse for bad manners.

Please feel free to ask any questions. Thanks

Prophets and Messengers / Re: Points from a Sunni Mawlid an nabee
« on: May 09, 2012, 10:28:13 AM »

Thanks for the information. I have not heard some of those statements and I think that they will help the readers understand even more the kind of outlandish claims that some Muslims make.

I have even heard some people saying that prophet Adam (pbuh) declared the shahadah (There is no God but God and Muhammed the messenger of God) because he saw it written on God's throne.They believe with so much conviction that this is true and trying to reason with them is a futile process.

I would be interested to hear of other 'claims' that people make when they celebrate Mawlad un Nabee.

Discussions / Re: Bible is mistranslation
« on: May 09, 2012, 10:18:59 AM »

I have not found the word ezer kenegdo to mean equal. The word 'helper' however does not do the phrase justice though.

She will help him when he faces situations on so many different levels. Her support and caring will have a positive effect on the marriage and her husband would respond by loving her more. The marriage is a two way process.

Yet I still see that the Bible puts the husband in charge of the household and he will have specific duties in that respect. Their positions are different, not equal.


For me, this article proved to be extremely useful as the topic is usually confusing, with many people using words interchangeably.

After reading it, I  got a better understanding of the terminology and factual differences that exist.

Salaam and Welcome,

I think that you experience what so many people do when they embark upon their journey of learning. The hurdles you faced with the so called 'ulema' are so typical in that they just leave you with so many more questions than you started out with.

As Joseph said, you would really benefit from reading many translations at once and the link he provided gives you instant access to so many translators.

On a personal note however I have some advice for you. The two renderings that you have aquired ( "Exposition Of Holy Quran by G. A. Parwez Sir and another by Dr. Shabbir Ahmed Sir") MUST in my humble opinion be read alongside others. And you will insAllah see in time why I say that.


Women / Re: Women clothes code
« on: April 27, 2012, 07:49:03 AM »

Where modesty is concerned, there are no specific types of clothing prescribed for a person to wear. So many cultures have their own  types of dress that can be deemed to be modest.

In some places, wearing shorts is commonplace amongst women but that would be an inappropriate item of clothing for a Muslim women to wear even though that particular society deems it to be the norm and perfectly acceptable.

We need to look at the Quranic guidelines and they indicate that a women should cover her arms and legs. Please see:

Women / Re: Dating and arrange marriage
« on: April 27, 2012, 07:25:53 AM »

I think that the prospective partners should have the chance to ask each other the relevant questions and get to know each other in a respectable way i.e if they were to meet up, it should be in public places or at a relatives house where they can interact in an open environment.

Arranged marriages are a good way of introducing individuals to prospective partners but we must be careful of the pressure that family members put on individuals especially when they are cousins.

Islamic Duties / Re: Wudu - wiping hands over socks
« on: April 27, 2012, 06:54:43 AM »

I think that water should be used to wash the feet directly unless you are in a place where after you removed your socks to wash the feet, they touched the ground where there is dirt (like public toilets).

It is true that your feet would be kept clean after putting socks on, but the same could be said of the forearms if you cover them with long sleeved clothing after washing.
Yet we would always wash them every time we do wudu so why not our feet also?

I think that from my understanding of the Quranic verses, the feet should be included as a standard part of the wudu process.

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