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Messages - Truth Seeker

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General Discussions / Re: 49:11 women
« on: August 11, 2016, 08:56:12 PM »

I think that MasAllah Nura is doing a wonderful job on the forum and may God bless you for your efforts  :)

However I do disagree with comments about this verse. Firstly, the believers are addressed which clearly denotes both genders and then the same message is repeated with the target being exclusively women.

The message is being emphasised for women and may that be because women are more prone to that particular behaviour?

General Discussions / Re: Kawaiba
« on: August 09, 2016, 04:02:44 AM »
Salaam Wanderer,

I think it is not good that you and Duster are having a 'spat' on the forum. I will side with Duster regarding you regularly prompting other members to respond to your query.

I feel that Nura has answered your question in full and with clarity. She even quoted  some paragraphs in the article written by Joseph. Please note again this particular sentence:

Hence, some commentators continue to render ‘Kawaib’ as ‘splendid companions’ or ‘companions’. However, given the general usage and feminine plural noun of the word, there is support that this may be a reference to a female entity."

It says may so you are incorrect when you stated earlier:
I just checked, and in the article he says that he believes the term 'kawaiba', is most likely a reference to a "female entity"

We will be made into a new creation entirely and we could be assigned genders or not or both!

Salaam Good Logic,

I think that Wanderer is still trying to grasp the concept so I don't think that by adding misguided mathematical miracles into the mix will help him.

Salaam Wanderer,

The difference is in spelling and pronunciation.
There is no difference in the message so please be reassured.

If you think of English there are differences in spelling and pronunciation for example colour/color or grey/gray depending if you are American or British.

Islamic Duties / Re: Inheritance laws (4:11, 12, 176)
« on: July 26, 2016, 10:07:05 AM »

I assume that it is left to give to others as the executor of the will deems fit.

There is a verse in the Quran (4:8) which talks abouts giving something to relatives, the needy or orphans at the time of distribution if they are present.

So by this verse it could be taken as a good example to implement with regard to the remaining portions.


There is an article written on this topic by Joseph:

I hope it helps IA

Thank you Hope for sharing the article. I found it thought provoking and I am sure the other members did also. :)

General Discussions / Re: jannah physical or spiritual or both
« on: July 23, 2016, 10:42:20 AM »

I would imagine it to be both as we will be created in a different
form after we die.

General Discussions / Re: "some of them over others"
« on: July 23, 2016, 10:40:10 AM »
Salaam all,

Having read all the posts here I would like to add my opinion to the mix.

I feel that these verses are referring to a responsibily aspect and that God has bestowed it on men with regards to women.

There was mention of 'masculine plural' with regard to 'men over women'  and it was pointed out by Amira that it can't include females but I would like to politely point out that it can.

Men are tasked with the responsibility of protecting women and providing for them. That doesn't imply though that men are better in the eyes of the Lord as He will judge each individual on their own merits.

General Discussions / Re: 7:172-173
« on: July 14, 2016, 03:21:42 PM »
Salaam Yahya,

Joseph has written a very comprehensive article titled:

'Understanding Kufr (Disbelief) from an Quranic Perspective'

I hope it helps you IA.

General Discussions / Re: What do you take 4:17 to mean?
« on: June 24, 2016, 05:21:18 AM »
Salaam all,

It is my understanding that 'jahala' means
ignorant so basically being uninformed or uneducated in a matter

General Discussions / Re: Is Paradise eternal for those in it?
« on: June 17, 2016, 10:26:20 AM »

This article may help although the topic is about eternal punishment,
it has referenced verses in the Quran that deals with paradise and it's eternity.

General Discussions / Re: ISIS soldier dying and smiling ?
« on: June 03, 2016, 02:07:17 AM »
Salaam  ZKAB90

Please can you stick to topics to do with the Quran here and kindly refrain from posting such videos.

Any future infringements may lead to you being removed from this forum.


General Discussions / Re: HIKMA means indeed HADITHS and not WISDOM
« on: May 23, 2016, 04:58:04 PM »
Salaam ZKAB90

As someone else mentioned here, the word 'hadith' has already been used in the Quran elsewhere but not where you are implying it exists.

Why would God say that the quran is complete yet ask believers to follow hadith  as well. Which hadith? whom..?.shia or sunni? definition all the 'saheeh' hadith are true regardless of being from shia or sunni? So why all the arguments about disproving each sects position.

There are so many contradictions in the hadith literature that if we were to believe that they were God ordained, then it would be so easy to lose faith in Islam.

It is very clear when in the Quran, God is asking the belivers to obey the prophet, it is referring to those people around him in his lifetime !
The prophet is their leader and commander in chief and they must
of course follow and trust in him and his commands.


Yes you are will have to clean your mind.

Then really think about whether their is a God and if you are convinced that there is then read the scripture.

The 'magical' side as you put it, is not the overarching theme of the Quran but is an important aspect nevertheless as it
reflects the almighty power of God.

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