Thanks for pointing out that the item concerning travelers also is common to both 4:36, and 9:60.
Really, the item needs an organized set up in order to be apprised of and to reach timely aid to a traveler stranded in a remote jungle, or a mountain ghat, or involved in an accident.
Based on your explanation, firstly please agree with me that whatever categories mentioned in 9:60 need organized governmental effort to resolve, not just Masakeen and travelers issue (you are unfortunately focusing on these two groups only as requiring governmental action, which is not fair). There are 8 categories mentioned in 9:60;
1. The indigent
2. Those incapacitated to earn
3. Those who are employed in the collection and administration of Sadaq’aat.
4. Helping those who sincerely wish to join the Divine Order but are unable to do so due to financial difficulties,
5. Setting free those in bondage.
6. Those who are unduly burdened financially.
7. Those who strive in the cause of Allah and
8. Stranded travellers.
Now read with complete focus and attention:- As you said, there are 9 categories mentioned in 4:36 and 8 categories mentioned in 9:60 and two categories are common in both. If you have
a closer look at the 8 categories mentioned in 9:60 you will notice that these 8 categories absorb all the 9 categories mentioned in 4:36 (
concerning meeting their financial needs). Let me explain to you the point in a different way.
Kindly note, when a direction is given to prophet
to TAKE Sadakaak and to distribute (administrative responsibility) the same, it cannot be mentioned the categories like, parents, kinfolk, neighbours, etc because the administration is concerned with general public and all the people in the society (who are ofcourse someone’s parents, kinfolk, neighbours, etc). Thats is why there is no direction to prophet to take sadakaat and distribute them to parents, kinfolk, neighbours, etc. This is just commonsense way of understanding things.
All these categories of people who are in need of financial support will come under
لِلْفُقَرَاءِ وَالْمَسَاكِينِ mentioned in 9:60. Since earlier it was individual responsibility and this explains why the focus was on "parents", "relatives","neighbours", etc. I am not stating all responsibilites of an invidual towards parents, relatives and neighbours were completely shifted to administration by 9:60. Kindly note, as I stated, the focus of 9:60 is spending sadakaat to meet someone's need. An individual's duties and responsibilities towards parents, relatives and neighbours is not just confined to spending for their needs. This is just one small area (it is pertinant to note that the focus in 4:36 is goodness which may or may not include spending for them)
You said: "I did not state that individual responsibility as required by 4:36 is abrogated by 9:60. They are still valid in the limited sense when an Islamic society progresses from one level to another level until a full Islamic system is established."
Did you mean, that a stage will be reached when the responsibilities enumerated in 4:36, will no longer be a crucial test for the individual?
I did not mean in this way. When the administration takes up the responsibility for meeting the needs, the test will be upon the administration (in a way each individual is collectively responsible). However, as I said, the individual will be responsible for all other duties towards the 9 groups except incurring financial responsibility. With risk of repetition let me again state, the duties to parents, relatives, neighbours, etc are not just financial responsibilities. Definitely all individuals will be tested as to how they treat their parents, relatives, neighbours. etc in all other respects.