Shaqul Qk

Started by Sardar Miyan, October 27, 2014, 04:44:32 AM

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Sardar Miyan

اقْتَرَبَتِ السَّاعَةُ وَانشَقَّ الْقَمَرُ

The hour drew nigh and the moon did rend asunder.
وَإِن يَرَوْا آيَةً يُعْرِضُوا وَيَقُولُوا سِحْرٌ مُّسْتَمِرٌّ

And if they see a miracle they turn aside and say: Transient magic.
Salam All, Do these ayaat reveal the literal aspect of moon asunder by our Rasool ? But the story goes as a indian king of Kerala had actually seen this episode while he was on the roof of his palace in the night. he tried to discuss with muslm trades who were visting Kerala &  knew that the prophet has done this miracle. He immediately went to Makka& becme Muslim. he also gave many presents to our Rasool incuding Indian Picle.He constructed First Mosque in Kerala .One can watch the pictures of this mosque & history on Internet
May entire creation be filled with Peace & Joy & Love & Light

good logic

Greetings Sardar.

What do you mean by "moon assunder"?What happened to the moon?

Also Rasool ,according to Qoran has not performed any miracles. Qoran answers when they ask:" Why no miracle/sign comes to him" by saying:" God suffices as a witness or wait,the future belongs to GOD"...

This story makes more sense to me:

Apollo 11 was the spaceflight that landed the first humans on the Moon, Americans Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, on July 20, 1969, at 20:18 UTC. Armstrong became the first to step onto the lunar surface six hours later on July 21 at 02:56 UTC. Armstrong spent about two and a half hours outside the spacecraft, Aldrin slightly less, and together they collected 47.5 pounds (21.5 kg) of lunar material for return to Earth.
After about seven hours of rest, the crew was awakened by Houston to prepare for the return flight. Two and a half hours later, at 17:54 UTC, they lifted off in Eagle's ascent stage, carrying 21.5 kilograms of lunar samples with them, to rejoin CMP Michael Collins aboard Columbia in lunar orbit. During the launch Aldrin looked up in time to see the exhaust from the ascent module's engine knock over the American flag they had planted.[1]

Note the precise minutes timing when they left the moon.
Here is RK s translation of[ 54:1-3]

The Hour has come closer, and the moon has split.*
اقتَرَبَتِ السّاعَةُ وَانشَقَّ القَمَرُ
Then they saw a miracle; but they turned away and said, "Old magic."
وَإِن يَرَوا ءايَةً يُعرِضوا وَيَقولوا سِحرٌ مُستَمِرٌّ

They disbelieved, followed their opinions, and adhered to their old traditions.
وَكَذَّبوا وَاتَّبَعوا أَهواءَهُم وَكُلُّ أَمرٍ مُستَقِرٌّ

*54:1 This important sign of the approaching end of the world came to pass in 1969 when humans landed on the moon and brought pieces of the moon to earth. At the same time, God's mathematical Miracle of the Quran was being gradually unveiled. Traditional Muslims opposed it, since it exposed the fallacy of their practices .

GOD bless you.
Total loyalty to GOD

Joseph Islam

Dear Sardar,

Wa alaikum assalam

Please see section "THE CASE OF THE MOON SPLITTING" in the following article where I have discussed this.

MIRACLES OF THE PROPHET (pbuh)'s%20miracles%20FM3.htm

I hope that helps, God willing
'During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act' 
George Orwell

good logic

Greetings Sardar.

I copied this shedile for observation of how accurate Qoran is with prophecy.

Notice the time the astronauts left the moon with the 21.7 kg of moon rocks to be analysed?

Lunar Module:    Eagle

Command and Service Module:    Columbia

Crew:   Neil Armstrong ,commander
Michael Collins, command module pilot
Edwin Aldrin, lunar module pilott

Launch:    July 16, 1969
13:32:00 UT (09:32 a.m. EDT) Kennedy Space Center Launch Complex 39A

Landing Site:    Mare Tranquillitatis (Sea of Tranquility)
0.67 N, 23.47 E

Landed on Moon:    July 20, 1969
20:17:40 UT (4:17:40 p.m. EDT)

First step:    02:56:15 UT July 21, 1969
(10:56:15 p.m. EDT July 20, 1969)

EVA Duration:    2 hours, 31 minutes

Lunar Surface Traversed:    ~250 meters

Moon Rocks Returned:    21.7 kilograms

LM Departed Moon:    July 21, 1969
17:54:01 UT (1:54:01 p.m. EDT)

[54:1] fulfilled as GOD predicted precisely within the micro second?

GOD bless you.
Total loyalty to GOD

Sardar Miyan

Bro JAI Thanks for clarification.
Bro Good Logic Please dont mention or quote RK .
May entire creation be filled with Peace & Joy & Love & Light

good logic

Greetings Sardar.

I thought you wanted to find out about [54:1]?

Compare the two stories of post 1 and post 4.

You think the verse does not mean the moon visit of 1969?

Surely it cannot mean the story of post 1?

Brother, I was trying to help?

Thank you.
GOD bless you.
Total loyalty to GOD

Imran Faruqui

Dear Joseph,

In your article entitled, "Miracles of the Prophet," you state (capitalized emphasis mine):

"Therefore, the splitting of the moon is a reference in the perfect tense to emphasise CERTAINTY OF A FUTURE EVENT WHICH WILL PRECEDE THE DAY OF JUDGMENT and most likely unconnected to Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) community."

One can only conclude, as you have used the definitive term 'PRECEDE,' that you therefore concede that the moon must be split in some fashion BEFORE the arrival of the Day of Judgment. It is also noteworthy that you state, 'CERTAINTY OF A FUTURE EVENT;' again, with the clear inference the splitting of the moon has not yet occurred, but is in fact obliged to occur at some point in the future, albeit PRIOR TO the commencement of the Day of Judgment.

These are not my words Joseph; they are yours.

Regards. Imran

Joseph Islam

Dear Imran,

Yes, these are my words. However, with respect, they do not support the theological context that you appear to intimate in all that you have shared with me and others hitherto [1].

My reference to the Day of Judgement refers to the Quranic reality when scales will be set up [7:8] and everyone will be held accountable for their deeds post resurrection. Some examples are when hell will be made apparent (18:100), no soul will speak except with God's permission (11:105), the formation of 3 broad categories (56:7) and much else. Thus my reference to 'judgement'.

Of course, a calamity will precede resurrection which will bring existence to an end, which is a belief well understood by the majority of Muslims and well attested in numerous verses of the Quran. Thus the future event of the 'moon splitting' will coincide with the onset of this calamity. This does not refer to your impression of the 'Day' which I understand you to believe to have already transpired. There is a stark difference.

May I kindly and respectfully remind you that you have already agreed to abide by the conditions of critique as part of the forum policy. I would kindly request that you follow the format. In particular, please see point (3) of the forum policy [2].

I trust that clarifies, God willing.

With peace and regards,



'During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act' 
George Orwell