Salamun Alaikum
Recently, I saw this video that was forwarded to me by a friend. I would like to have views about the concept/information in this video in the light of Quran.
Various Quranic verses come up in mind that MAY BE related/assumed/confused? to be telling something like this. Is it ?
I focus more on understanding Quran and implementing the directives given (in my limits) but some of my friends seem to suggest that Quran also tells us something like this..
I feel delighted to have learned personalities here to speak to and would appreciate to have views on this.
Thank you
Salamun Alaikum,
According to Islam, man has two aspects of existence; one: physical existence where he is similar to animals; two: human life where he should follow a code of law referred to as ‘permanent values’, given to him through divine revelation and meant to develop his ‘personality’.
Allah says “Allah has rendered harnessable for you all whatever there is in the Earth and in the skies” (45:13). Harnessing the forces of nature is a human attribute; keeping them within the confines of the divine permanent- value system is a humane (mo’min) attribute. This causes Man’s potential capabilities to manifest to incredible heights. The Quran refers to such men as ‘the elevated’ (3:138). They patiently struggle in the path of Islam with firm conviction keeping in mind Allah’s message; “Slacken not nor grieve; and you shall certainly have the upper hand, if you are true believers.” (3:139) This ambition to rise up was the driving force behind the phenomenal success of early Muslims.
The selfish and the greedy exploiters of men, alarmed by the situation, got to work against it. They knew it very clearly that the Muslims had to be dissuaded from the idea that Man can shape his own destiny. Therefore, their adversaries and opponents began – according to a well thought-out conspiracy --- to propagate the age-old belief of pre-decided destiny of Man. With the passage of time, the idea of pre-destiny of Man attained the sanctity of a religious dogma and, subsequently, an article of faith. The idea spread the notion that dominance and subjugation, status, wealth, happiness and tragedy, success and failure, etc. are all directly controlled by Allah. No human effort can alter individual or collective destiny pre-decided by Him. Therefore, one should be content with whatever state one is in. Consequently, Muslims, the shapers of the world’s destiny, have been reduced to a lethargic, inactive, unscientific-minded group
The focal point of the Quran is the Law of Returns --- every human action bears a result, sooner or later. That makes Man responsible for his actions. Human life is governed by these categories of laws:
1. Physical (laws of physics, chemistry, biology etc.) governing the human body.
2. Social laws enacted by government / society.
3. Permanent Values (moral & ethical laws) affecting the human personality.
In all the three areas, Quran hold man responsible for all actions, individual or collective. In 1 & 2 it may happen that one has to face consequences of someone else’s actions; for example, someone drowns in a river because somebody pushes one off a bridge (or the bridge gives way because of faulty workmanship); famine strikes because of bad administration; floods ravage an area; or war creates havoc, etc. Even in such cases every individual is responsible either directly or indirectly since an individual is a part / member of a society. A good harvest benefits even those not connected with farming at all. On the other hand, a bursting dam extends its damage even to those who have nothing at all to do with its construction or maintenance. This is why the Quran say: “Try to protect your society against a danger which is not restricted to the people responsible for it” (8:25). A society is nothing but a collection of individuals who have the potential of enforcing change. In point 3, however, every person bears consequences of one’s own action.
At the same time, all actions of Man, individual or collective, produce reactions. In fact, this is stated as the reason for the existence of this Universe: “Allah created the skies and the earth (the universe) rightfully to get everyone the result of his actions and to stop all wrongdoing” (45:22). Quran says: “Man can get only what he strives for” (53:39). Also, “Man is entitled to what he works for” (20:15). A just society is the one in which “no one’s efforts go wasted” (21:94) and that in which “your efforts bear results” (17:18-21). Suffice to say that “Everyone is mortgaged by his own actions” (74:38) and “Whatever one does produces results” (9:82; 9:95; 14:51; 16:96-97; 40:17). Elsewhere, the Quran states: “everyone shall get the result of one’s actions” (34:33). It is repeated in (7/147; 52/16; 56/24; 83/36) etc. Even Allah doesn’t interfere. Allah says to men: “Do whatever you will” (41:40), and the said verse goes on to say “Do whatever you wish. Surely, whatever you do (will bear a result, as it) is watched by Him” (41:40). That is: your are free to do whatever you wish but not free to alter the natural result of that action. Allah just keeps a watch: “Allah sees your actions” (2:237). “He knows them” (2:234). “No action can go unnoticed by Him”. (2:144), even “Allah knows what is in your hearts” 2:235). “Allah watches your actions” means that no action can escape the Law of Returns - “Allah surrounds whatever you do” (3:119).
The connection between an action and result is illustrated in the Quran at various places. An individual as well as a group of people who resolves to carryout the Divine Program, and works accordingly, sees plentiful fruit borne by their efforts: “O Convinced! If you help Allah, He will help you!” (47:7). The verse goes on to say: “And those who reject have failure and disappointment coming as their efforts do not bear fruit and are wasted”. This steadfastness brings divine support with the condition that the Convinced display perseverance and obedience of Allah’s laws (3:122–125). “Your one hundred shall triumph over two hundred of the opponents because ‘Allah is with the steadfast (8:66). Those who go against the divine system, Sura Bani Israel says: “When they disgraced, Allah (‘s Law of Return of Deeds) twisted their hearts,” (61:5). They (the children of Israel) were told that if they followed the last messenger of Allah, they would be absolved of their miserable life, but: ‘ If you return (to your previous attitude), We will (also) return (to giving you the same miserable life once again) 17:8. Allah’s law is: “Whoever turns away (from Him), is turned away” (51:9). Sura Tauba reports: “When they turned away, Allah turned their hearts away” (9:127).
Like individuals, this law applies to nations as well - “Your predecessor (nations of past) bore the consequences of what they did and you will have what you work for. You will not be queried about their actions” (2:134). As long a nation keeps on the right path (Allah’s way) it retains its glory. When it defies Allah’s Law, decline sets in. It enjoys a period of respite (within which there is a chance of correcting itself to retain the glory) before the decline and fall is complete. That nation is then replaced by another who has been following Allah’s way. “Every nation has an ajal (period of life) - (10:40), and Every ajal has a book (law) - (13:38). This Law is strictly enforced: “
No nation can hurry or delay it.” (23:43). The period of respite can save a nation if it redeems and improves itself. Otherwise, it is destroyed. That’s why the Quran cites many historical evidences to illustrate its law of rise and fall of nations, and aptly terms it ”a known law”. (15:4). That is why Allah request us to travel through earth and learn from their history. This is “Allah’s way” which never changes (35:43). Early Muslims, who had, as a result of following Allah’s way achieved power and glory (24:55) were told:“If you refrain from struggle (for life and survival), you will face tragic misfortune -- another nation will replace you -- and you will be helpless. These are Allah’s measures.” (9:39), (11:57).
A tyrannical people, who exploit and suppress humanity, appear to go on prospering, is really passing through its ajal (the period of respite). Sura Namal Says: “ If (Allah had not provided the period of respite and) people were apprehended quickly after their unfairness, the Earth would have lost its inhabitants. Allah delays (the apprehension) till a certain period of respite (ajal). When that period expires, their destruction occurs at the specific time -- not a minute before or after” (16:61; also 35:45).
Note, our prophet had the mission to revolutionize mankind. He spent his life through back-breaking and frustrating struggles against all odds. Towards the twilight of his life he was naturally anxious about the result of his efforts. Allah responded thus: “Certainly, We can bring, what We promise, for you to see (but because everything happens according to set laws - Respite and Returns --), your responsibility is to spread (the message) and We have the responsibility of (its result according to set) calculations –“ (13:40).
Note, Allah, who is not willing to alter His set ‘calculations’ even for His messenger cannot be imagined to ‘do whatever and whenever He likes (whimsically)’. The entire universe and everything therein functions and operates by set ‘calculations’.
Hope this helps.