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Messages - munir rana

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General Discussions / Regarding 19:10 and 21:79
« on: June 07, 2016, 02:28:19 PM »
Dear Brother Joseph and  Forum Members

I haven't been able to be here for a long time.
Anyway, here I am with some query regarding some verses now, if you can help.

19:10 (Zechariah) said, `My Lord, make for me a sign.' He said, `Your sign is that you will not speak to the people for three nights, (being) sound.'
How can it be a sign? what does a sign mean?
Brother Joseph wrote in a response that `It purely depends on the context'. I agree. But failed to understand this context.

Here is another verse.
21:79 And we gave understanding of the case to Solomon, and to each (of them) we gave judgement and knowledge, and we subjected the mountains to exalt (Us), along with David and (also) the birds. And we were doing.
This was narrated once again in 34:10
What do you understand by `mountains exaltation along with David and birds.'
Thanks and salam to all.

Discussions / Re: Is it possible to make a concordance
« on: August 16, 2015, 03:37:41 PM »
Dear brother Joseph Islam

Salamun Alykum

Thanks for your response.

Your suggestion is nice. It will be a great pleasure to take part in such a concerted effort. Would you please set an example at first so that we can follow the procedure properly.

Thanks again.

Munir Rana

General Discussions / Regarding 17:60
« on: August 14, 2015, 08:12:06 PM »
Dear Members of QM Forum


How do you understand the verse 17:60?

And when We told you (O Muhammad), "Indeed your Lord has encompassed the people." And We did not make the sight which We showed you except as a trial for the people, as was the accursed tree (mentioned) in the Quran. And We threaten them, but it increases not except in great transgression.

How can a thing showed to someone be a trial for others? What is the trial here-  hearing from the Prophet and believing or dis believing it?

General Discussions / regarding 17:11
« on: August 14, 2015, 07:05:30 PM »
Dear Forum Members


Which would be the appropiate translation of the verse 17:11? Mainly two types of translations exist. These might sound similar, but actually they are not, I think.
What do you think?

Muhammad Asad : As it is, man [often] prays for things that are bad as if he were praying for something that is good: for man is prone to be hasty [in his judgments].
Shakir : And man prays for evil as he ought to pray for good, and man is ever hasty.
Yusuf Ali : The prayer that man should make for good, he maketh for evil; for man is given to hasty (deeds).
Abdel Haleem: Yet man prays for harm, just as he prays for good: man is ever hasty.

Discussions / Is it possible to make a concordance
« on: August 12, 2015, 05:07:33 PM »
Dear Moderators


I have a problem to share with you. I don't know whether anyone else in this forum has been noticed this type of difficulties. It's not a big issue, but an issue also, at least to me.

When I want to know about a specific topic sometimes it takes time to search. First I have to go to Article section, then to Q/A. Not often the key word is shown on the list or categories of these sections. And sometimes the topic is on their with a different key word.
Hence I have a suggestion.
Is it possible to make a concordance so that a member can easily go to the subject he is looking for.

Thanks for your continuous support.

May Allah give reward you here and hereafter.

Munir Rana

General Discussions / Re: 12:67-68 and 16:103
« on: August 12, 2015, 03:22:40 PM »
Dear Brother Joseph Islam


your explanation regarding 12:67,68 enlightened me.
Thanks for your response.

Munir Rana

General Discussions / 12:67-68 and 16:103
« on: August 05, 2015, 02:33:55 PM »
Dear Forum Members


Here are two verses, if you share your understanding with me.

He said, "My sons, do not enter from one gate, but enter from separate gates; and I cannot avail you anything against God, for the judgment is to God. In Him I put my trust, and in Him those who put their trust should trust."
When they entered from where their father had commanded them, it would not have availed them in the least against God, but it was out of a concern in Jacob's person. Since We have taught him, he had certain knowledge; but most people do not know.

Why different gates? any idea? And why didn't it work?

We are aware that they say, "A human is teaching him." The language of the one they refer to is foreign, while this is a clear Arabic language."

Who is that person in this verse? Any clue?

I know, these questions might be unnecessary. Actually these are not so important for guidance.  But a little curiosity. Thats all. If anyone can enlighten.

Prophets and Messengers / Re: How can I recognise a messenger?
« on: August 04, 2015, 04:13:36 PM »
Dear Brother Sardar


I thought the questions of this section is only for Brother Joseph as it is titled as Q&As with Joseph Islam.

Anyway, you mentioned:

Tablighi Jamat people say that as no Nabi or prophet is going to come the responsibility of awakening the the Muslims is the redponsibilty of knowledgable Muslims. Therefore the learned people in Jamaat can be Messengers in my view.

That is a fantastic idea and totally unsupportable, so far as I understand.

There are a few knowledgeable persons mentioned in the Quran, such as Lukman, but were not addressed as a messenger. So only `knowledgeability' can't be the identification mark. And there is no fixed parameter to mesure who is  `knowledgeable' and who is not.

Moreover, Tablighi Jamat is very much leaned on secondary sources. That's there main source of knowledge so far as I experienced. In my teenage I spent a few days with Tabligi Jamat and now a days some of my relatives are also practicing religion according their prescription. They may be good people and their intentions might be good also, but it's fact that they always tell stories from secondary and tertiarry sources which has no base and very often contradicts with the guidance of Quran.

So I'm sorry to say that i can not accept your view that, `the learned people in Jamaat can be Messengers' .

Prophets and Messengers / How can I recognise a messenger?
« on: August 03, 2015, 06:41:03 PM »
Dear Brother Joseph Islam



However, the continuation of guidance through various messengers in various capacities is still open.

Your argument is very logical and if I am agreed with this point then the next question comes, how can i recognise the capacities (such as someone) as a messenger. In the Quran we see that earlier messengers declared their identity themselves. But no one in near past claimed him as a messenger. For example, I am a Bangladeshi. My language is Bangla. But I don't know anyone in my language who claimed him as a messenger. Is it our duty to discover a messenger or he should declare himself?

Your answer is always greatly appreciated.

May Allah reward you here and hereafter.

Munir Rana

General Discussions / Re: Clean Earth
« on: August 02, 2015, 07:20:53 PM »
Salam Brother Wakas

Thanks for the tools you have suggested. I hope it will help me a lot, God Willing.

General Discussions / Re: Regarding 16:101
« on: August 02, 2015, 03:27:17 PM »
Salam Brother Hassan A

Its not at all that i am displeased  with your continuous quotation of Muhammad Asad's explanation.  In fact in my early youth i was a great fan of his books also.

But now a days, after reading several translations of great scholars and experienced the differences between them, i don't follow any fixed book of translation or explanation. Rather than, I read a few and if i am not clear then try to find out the meaning with the help of dictionaries, concordance and consult with the friends like Brother Joseph and you. After all these if i don't get it properly, i wait for His help. That's all.

The explanation you cited from Muhammad Asad is almost the same with Brother Josephs, if I don't get it wrong.

Thanks again and Salam.

General Discussions / Re: regarding 9 : 101 and 15:17-18
« on: July 30, 2015, 02:36:23 PM »
Dear Hope


May be you are right. Allah knows best.
Thanks for your response.

Munir Rana

General Discussions / Re: regarding 9 : 101 and 15:17-18
« on: July 29, 2015, 06:37:35 PM »
Dear Hope


My query was about three times punishemnt. What do you think about it?

General Discussions / Re: Regarding 16:101
« on: July 29, 2015, 06:17:26 PM »
Dear Brothers


Thanks for your responses. But,
I really feel embarrassed with your undue arguments on my query. I really didn't mean to make my query as an issue.

Brother Sardar, I went through the article of Brother Joseph on Abrogation. And i am agreed with his final thoughts in which he says,
From a Quran's perspective, the belief that certain Quranic verses have been abrogated is unsupportable and remains a false doctrine.
Which is also supported by the post of Brother Good Logic.

I count Brother Joseph one of my best freinds in faith, if not the best. I try to read and understand his articles, posts, answers. That does not mean that i must avoid any other views on the topics he discussed. In this forum many other members posted different articles from other places before, if i am not wrong. In fact I myself at least once did it to have a better understanding. If these posts are to be avoided then forum administration should take necessary steps. We must not debate on this issue. Thats my understanding.
please dont be hurt with my words.

Thanks again for your support.


Munir Rana

General Discussions / Regarding 16:101
« on: July 28, 2015, 03:15:42 PM »
Dear Forum Members


In 16:101 Allah says:

If We exchange a sign in place of another sign; and God is more aware of what He is revealing; they say, "You are making this up!" Alas, most of them do not know.

Does this verse refer to the Mansukh verses? I believe there is no mansukh verse in the Quran. It does not match with His glory. Then what does it mean by `exchange a sign'.

Thanks for your continuous support. Sometimes it helps me a lot.

Munir Rana

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