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Women / Re: Divorce
« Last post by Wakas on September 17, 2024, 11:22:49 PM »
What a refusal to answer the question.

Wrong. I already answered it.

She was clearly asking if she would have to return the mahr if she wanted to divorce from an abusive husband. Your answer is yes, so why not just say that? In your interpretation, she has to return her marriage gift to an abusive husband so she is able to get out of her marriage.

Wrong again. Rather than claiming what my position is why not provide a quote from me which proves what you claim is my position is actually my position.

Now they have to suffer financially, birth babies, take care of said babies (including the manchild husband), her in-laws, etc, and STILL return the mahr? Imagine doing all that and you still have to give more.
Yet there is no such stipulation on the husband to give anything to his ex-wife who is far more likely to suffer as a result and is far more likely to be stuck with children, and far more likely to suffer societal wrath, whether she initiates the divorce or not.

Wrong again. Where in Quran does it say the wife gets stuck with the children / father does not need to provide for them / husband does not provide anything to ex-wife etc.

The real question in the context of this discussion should be: if one wants to follow the more Western model of divorce with both being able to initiate divorce, is that fine in Islam or not?

I cannot answer for the religion of "Islam" with a capital "I". If you are referring to Quran based islam then I already answered this.

Women / Re: Divorce
« Last post by AQL on September 14, 2024, 02:15:21 AM »
1) for Khula or ransoming out of the marriage does wife need the husbands agreement? If she does then what happens when the husband forces her to stay when she doesn’t want to?

Using what I wrote above what is your response to this? i.e. what do you think the answer(s) could be.


What a refusal to answer the question.

She was clearly asking if she would have to return the mahr if she wanted to divorce from an abusive husband. Your answer is yes, so why not just say that? In your interpretation, she has to return her marriage gift to an abusive husband so she is able to get out of her marriage. This is a trap.

And I agree with her. It is very unfair. It is unfair anyway but especially in countries where women don't even basic rights. This would be another way to trap them. They are often already financially dependent. Now they have to suffer financially, birth babies, take care of said babies (including the manchild husband), her in-laws, etc, and STILL return the mahr? Imagine doing all that and you still have to give more.
Yet there is no such stipulation on the husband to give anything to his ex-wife who is far more likely to suffer as a result and is far more likely to be stuck with children, and far more likely to suffer societal wrath, whether she initiates the divorce or not.

The real question in the context of this discussion should be: if one wants to follow the more Western model of divorce with both being able to initiate divorce, is that fine in Islam or not?
Discussions / Re: We call our Lord, The Merciful; then how can we support these...
« Last post by Mohammed on August 26, 2024, 05:35:51 PM »
One argument is that these phrases are about invoking God's name before eating, not before the animals are slaughtered.

Please note the verb form used,
6:121 وَلَا تَأْكُلُوا /And do not eat (2nd person masculine plural)
لَمْ يُذْكَرِ /has not been remembered/mentioned (3rd person masculine singular)
Islamic Duties / Re: the calendar system according to The Quran - new article
« Last post by Huda on August 13, 2024, 10:47:55 PM »
Good post on the calendar system.
Islamic Duties / Benefits of Surah Rahman
« Last post by Huda on August 13, 2024, 10:43:31 PM »
What can be the benefits we can gain from Surah Rahman?
In addition to the compelling arguments made against the Secondary Sources on this website, I would like to add just one more that may have merit.

Hypothetically, even if the Quran were to somehow provide authority to another body of work, there is no evidence to show that the currently accepted Secondary Sources is what is being authorized. It is possible that there existed some other body of information that was somehow lost through the ages.

Unlike the Secondary Sources, the Quran is self validating, and thus the question of an alternative lost Quran is almost meaningless. But the Secondary Sources only garner authority allegedly from the Quran. Thus the question of: "Why these Secondary Sources, and not some other Secondary Sources?" may be a meaningful question.
Discussions / Re: We call our Lord, The Merciful; then how can we support these...
« Last post by Mohammed on August 11, 2024, 09:32:21 PM »
To conclude, I interpret verses 6:118, 119, 121, etc. refer to an obligation to acknowledge, ideally, from before the slaughtering takes place, (being grateful for providing the animal as sustenance 22:28, 34, 36, see also 22:40, 24:36, 76:25 etc.)
Discussions / Re: We call our Lord, The Merciful; then how can we support these...
« Last post by Mohammed on August 02, 2024, 07:50:20 PM »
For concerns about animal welfare and ethical conduct, there are numerous verses that we can relate to,
Who created the death/lifelessness and the life to test you which of you is better in deeds (67:2) race/surpass each other in doing good deeds (2:148, 5:48)
..So whoever is expecting his Lord's meeting, so he makes/does righteous deeds (18:110)
And there is not a creature on the earth, nor a bird that flies with its wings, except they belong to nations like you belong. We did not leave anything out of the record; then to their Lord they will be gathered. (6:38) that We manipulated/subjugated it for you, so that you may be grateful (22:36)
Islamic Duties / the calendar system according to The Quran - new article
« Last post by Wakas on August 02, 2024, 12:09:58 PM »
peace all,

The calendar system according to The Quran


To summarise the information we have so far:

Year is solar (365.25 days)
Both sun and moon are involved in the calendar/timing system.
Count of months/moons is 12 per solar year, 4 of which are consecutive inviolable months/moons
The first inviolable month/moon is probably "shahr ramadan" and the latter 3 are for the hajj - and all 4 are in a warm period
The hajj period and ramadan do not overlap/coincide
Seasons are in sync (i.e. regular pattern) in the year - and the inviolable months/moons are unlikely to be in spring or winter

It is similar to brother Ayman's article but with some different bits of info, making the case stronger hopefully, and a difference in starting point of the year.

It's possible we have finally resolved this issue :)

Feedback welcome, especially corrections.
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